Stanislawa Golinowska
Vice Chairwoman of the CASE Supervisory Council
- social policy
- labour market
- health system
- pension system in Poland and in CIE
Current Positions:
- Vice Chairwoman of the CASE Supervisory Council,
- CASE Fellow,
- Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute of Public Health - Jagiellonian University.
Previous Positions:
- Director of the Institute of Public Health - Jagiellonian University,
- Director of the Institute of Labour and Social Studies (1991-1997),
- Head of the Department of Cultural Economics (1991-1992),
- Lecturer at the Socio-Economic Faculty of Warsaw University (1979-1982),
- Research Assistant and then Assistant Professor at the Institute of Planning and followed by the Institute of National Economy (1971-1991).
Selected publications:
- Poverty in Poland. An Overview; prepared for: Growth Employment and Living Standards on Pre-Accession Poland, ed. P. Paci, World Bank Report, December 2004, Washington DC.
- Opieka zdrowotna w Polsce po reformie (Health care in Poland after the 1999 reform) (z: Z. Czepulis-Rutkowską, M. Sitkiem, A. Sową, Ch. Sowadą i C. Włodarczykiem) - redakcja naukowa oraz autorstwo 3 rozdziałów: I, III, VIII, CeDeWu CASE, Warszawa, s. 308.
- Popyt na pracę cudzoziemców. Polska i sąsiedzi. (Demand for work performed by foreigners. Poland and neighborly Countries), ed., IPiSS, Warszawa 2004, ss. 242.
- Integracja społeczna osób niepełnosprawnych. Ocena działań instytucji. (Social integration of disabled people. Assessment of institutions), IPiSS, Warszawa 2004, ss. 180 .
- Państwo opiekuńcze a nowe problemy społeczne i globalizacja (Welfare state and new social problems and globalisation), w: A. Kostarczyk red. III Rzeczpospolita w trzydziestu odsłonach. Nadzieje i rozczarowania po 1989 roku, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2004, s. 143 - 164.
Online profiles:
project involvement: expert
The Functioning of Health Care Institutions after the Introduction of Reforms. Conditions for Change