Russia - Community Social Infrastructure Project - Public Expenditure Review in the Area of Social Security and Social Protection
The project was carried out by CASE and the Leontieff Center in St. Petersburg, commissioned by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The research, carried out by Stanislawa Golinowska, Irena Topinska and Mateusz Walewski, was financed by the World Bank. CASE experts carried out an analysis comparing systems of social assistance in transition economies, taking into consideration fiscal aspects of the social policy programs, planning and managing social security systems as well as forecasting social expenditures. The results of CASE's work were presented at a conference held by the Leontieff Center and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in Moscow on 25-26 January 2001. CASE also published a book by Stanislawa Golinowska and Irena Topinska entitled 'Social Assistance - Changes and Conditions for Effective Action' (in Polish).