CASE Fellow
- poverty measurement
- social policy and poverty reduction
Current Positions:
- CASE Fellow
Previous Positions:
- Associate / Assistant Professor, Warsaw University
- Consultant, Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Social Security Reform
- Advisor to the Minster, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy,
- Expert in poverty measurement, poverty reduction and social inclusion strategies:
- Member of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion
- Member of EC Network of experts in the fields of gender equality and social inclusion, health and long term care, EGGSI
- Task team leader / expert of a number KBN projects on poverty, inequality and social policies in Poland
- Short-term consultant of the World Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Poland
- Consultant of UNDP/ILO in Moldova and Lithuania
- Member of Advisory Board for the Central Statistical Office, 1989-1990, 1995, 1997
Selected Publications:
- „Pomoc społeczna - zmiany i warunki skutecznego działania [Social assistance – trends and conditions of effectiveness], CASE, Warsaw 2002 (co-author: S. Golinowska).
- “Social Transfers in Kyrgyzstan”, in: Kyrgyzstan - Economic Reforms in 1996, M. Markiewicz, ed., Studia i Analizy, CASE 1997 № 112.
- Расходы на содержание социальной сферы Кыргызстана в 1994-1995 годах, Studia i Analizy, CASE 1996 № 9