Advisory, CIS, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Europe, Labor market, social policy and social services, social protection, Western Balkans

Public Financial Management Reforms in the CEE/CIS Regions: Supporting UNICEF to Achieve Improvements in Outcomes for Children and Families



CASE undertakes for UNICEF a study covering a policy and institutional mapping of trends in public financial management (PFM) reforms in 19 countries  belonging to the following three regions: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (representing all countries formerly part of the Soviet Union).

The study is designed to help UNICEF upgrade its institutional capacity in conducting more effective and well targeted interventions related to its statutory goals based on a better knowledge and understanding of PFM issues by its staff. The study shall be useful for UNICEF's programmatic work and advocacy purposes, and used as reference material on PFM issues.

The dominant analytical framework is that of a cross-country comparison making use of a comparative statistical presentation and analytic narratives methods. The project will make use of and extend the already existing database for all transition economies (and EU economies) built under the Workpackage 1 of the EU FP6 ENEPO project and of the expertise provided by other regional comparative projects conducted by CASE and its daughter organizations in the past.

The project's output consists of three sub-regional reports (covering the three above mentioned sub-regions) and a consolidated regional paper.




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