Poland - Meeting 2020 Social Inclusion Targets
The project is a study of the costs and benefits of meeting 2020 objectives for social inclusion for Poland. It is conducted within a framework of a larger EU initiative 'Europe 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable, and Inclusive Growth' that aims at meeting five ambitious objectives - on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy - by 2020. In the framework of the study CASE experts run series of simulations related to labour market, vulnerability of polish families and minimum wages.
General Objectives
The study examines the following issues:
- Impact of labour market activation on young, disabled and elderly workers;
- Policies targeting the level of vulnerability of large families;
- Impact of minimum wages and retirement age on poverty and social exclusion.
Based on the outcome of the project the World Bank (the contracting party) will draft possible recommendations for policy changes.
Project Structure and Involvement of CASE
CASE experts are conducting the study contracted by the World Bank. The project runs from December 12, 2011 to April 30, 2012. March 31 is the presentation day of the first draft of the report. A month later presented is the final version of the report that incorporates comments from the World Bank.
Project Output
The report is the key outcome of the project. Once it's produced and accepted by the World Bank, CASE, in collaboration with the World Bank, will organize 1-2 dissemination events with Polish government officials and with interested stakeholders.
World Bank