Advisory, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Labor market, social policy and social services, public administration, social reform, Ukraine

Ukraine: Preparation of the strategy for social benefits monetization reform in Ukraine



The project aims at developing a strategy for the monetization of the social benefits system in Ukraine.  Key problems in this field consist in poor targeting of vulnerable people and replacement of in-kind mechanism for direct monetary compensation.  The issue of consistency of proposed new social benefits' mechanisms with available institutional background of Ukraine remains unresolved. 

The project proposes the following steps:

  1. to analyze available reform strategies; 
  2. to construct a comprehensive picture of the functioning of the social benefit system in Ukraine;
  3. to consider Russia's experience;
  4. to analyze the direct social benefits schemes applicable to current institutional background; and
  5. to make recommendations to the strategy of Ukraine's social benefits system reform. 

The project is co-financed by the 2008 Polish aid programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.


Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


CASE Ukraine