European Observatory with the Aim to Inform the Social Policy Debate and to Provide Analytical Input for the Report on the Social Situation in the European Union
The project was initiated and financed by the European Commission - Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs. Its aim was to improve knowledge of socio-economic developments in the EU in accordance with Article 143 of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that the Commission shall produce a yearly report on progress in achieving the objectives of Article 136 (concerning employment, social protection and living conditions). This report intended to analyze the interplay between demographic trends and social developments in general, with an eye toward the ensuing consequences and policy challenges. As participants in a broader consortium co-organized by ENEPRI and led by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), CASE experts, led by Stanislawa Golinowska, handled lot 1 of this contract, which covered demographic trends, including the monitoring of developments in fertility, mortality and migration, and the implications of population developments for economic growth, quality of life, human resources development, the labor market, social protection, migration and family/household structures, and for policies in these areas. The CASE team monitored demographic trends, prepared relevant policy analysis and advice, and reported policy developments within the member states and candidate countries with relevance to demographic trends.
EU's Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs