The Functioning of Health Care Institutions after the Introduction of Reforms. Conditions for Change
The project was carried out in the period of Nov. 1, 2001 - Oct. 31, 2002 by the research team including: Cezary Włodarczyk, Zofia Czepulis-Rutkowska, Michał Sitek, Christoph Sowada, Agnieszka Sowa, Stanisława Golinowska (coordinator).
The aim of the project was to prepare an in depth analysis of the functioning of the entire health care system in Poland in the years 1999-2001. The project's initial findings were published in a special issue of "Polityka Społeczna (Social Policy) no. 10/2001. Articles by S. Golinowska, C. Włodarczyk, Z. Czepulis-Rutkowska, C. Sowada. M. Sitek, M. Sobolewski, and A. Sowa covered the following issues: the role of the Sickness Fund, the amounts spent by individuals on healthcare, the problem of corruption in the health service and the respecting of patients' rights.
Some of the papers prepared within the project are available online (Publications/e-Papers):
- S. Golinowska, Health care reform in Poland after 3 years: challenges for new authorities.
- A. Sowa, Operation of health care institutions after the reform. Premises for changes. Information on the research project.
- A. Roch-Dietrich, M. Osak, Reform of the health reform in Poland - preliminary diagnosis.
The final publication entitled: 'The Healthcare Institutions in Poland after the Reform' was edited within the series CASE Network Reports (No. 53, in Polish).
The project was funded by CASE's own resources, received through the support of an institutional grant from the Ford Foundation, and also by the Kronenberg Foundation.