Advisory, Bulgaria, economic reforms, Europe, Labor market, social policy and social services, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy

Support for the Economic Reform in Bulgaria


Technical advice for Bulgaria's government concerned questions of pension reform, privatization strategy, restructuring and privatizing sensitive sectors and issues of corporate governance. Materials from two Polish-Bulgarian conferences entitled 'Restructuring of the Electricity Sector in Poland and Bulgaria' (May 1998) and 'Problems of Restructuring the Coal Sector in Poland and Bulgaria' (October 1998) were published in Bulgarian. Conclusions from the advisory work appeared in English as part of the CASE Reports series (No. 34 and 35). The project was financed by the Open Society Institute and carried out in cooperation with the Centre for Economic Development (CED) and the Institute for Market Economics (IME).

Julian Pankow coordinated the project. CASE experts Barbara Blaszczyk, Marek Dabrowski, Stanislawa Golinowska, Piotr Kozarzewski, Boguslaw Tatarewicz, Michał Gorzynski, and Mateusz Walewski took part in the project, as did experts from the Research-Advisory Institute 'Changes' led by Pawel Ruszkowski.