Jacek Cukrowski involved with CASE from 1996 to 2005 Tweet project involvement: expert Moldova - Civic Society and Democratic Institutions Evaluation of the Oil Industry Budget Development of the UNDP Country Program Outline in the Russian Federation, 2004-2007 Poland at the Threshold of EU Membership: Vital Areas for Economic Reform Macroeconomic analysis of electricity generation expansion options in Kosovo, project for European Union Mission in Kosovo An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to the Transition Economies Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development Reforming Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development - Kyrgyzstan Intra-Industry Trade in Perfectly Competitive Markets: Policy Implications for Countries Accessing European Union Country Assistance Evaluation for Russia Seminar for Belarusian, Lithuanian, Russian and Ukrainian journalists Support for the Economic Reform in Kyrgyzstan Support for the Economic Reform in Georgia Seignorage as a Means of Financing the State Budget: an analysis of Factors Defining the Size of National Bank of Poland Revenues from Conducting a Monetary Policy and the Amount of Funds Diverted to te Budget The Diagnosis of the Belarusian economy and creation of a Center for the Development of a Market Economy Advisory Mission to the government of Kyrgyzstan project involvement: manager Study tour for CASE-Kyrgyzstan and CASE-Transcaucasus researchers case publications Assisting Russia's Transition: An Unprecedented Challenge Developing Capacity through Technical Cooperation. Country Experiences Networks and Competitiveness in Polish Foreign-owned and Domestic Firms Moldova: Assessment of Civil Society and Democratic Institutions Monitoring Processes of National Development in the Kyrgyz Republic From Transition to Monetary Integration: Revenues from Seignorage in Poland Inflation and Adjustment of Relative Prices in Georgia Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Georgia Financing Budget Deficit by Central Bank Seigniorage in Selected Transitional Economies: A Comparative Study Perfect Competition and Intra-Industry Trade European Integration: Strategic Market Research and Industry Structures Financing the Deficit of the State Budget by National Bank of Georgia (1996-1999) Information Processing in Decision-Making: Effects of Technological Change on Efficient Structures Financing Budget Deficits by Seigniorage Revenues: the Case of Poland 1990-1997