Country Assistance Evaluation for Russia
The Operation Evaluation Department of the World Bank invited two NGO research institutions, CASE and Institute for the Economy in Transition (IET) in Moscow to participate in preparing the Country Assistance Evaluation for Russia analyzing and assessing effectiveness of ten years of the World Bank programs for Russia.
CASE and IET experts ‑ Marek Dabrowski and Vladimir Mau (coordinators), Barbara Blaszczyk, Alexandr Radygin, Jacek Cukrowski, Yuri Bobylev, Helena Goralska, Irena Topinska, Marina Kolosnitsyna, Jacek Rostowski, Said Batkibekov and Konstantin Yanovskii prepared four joint thematic background papers on: Public Sector Management, Private Sector Development, Energy Sector and Social Protection, as well as they contributed to the final CAE report on Assisting Russia's Transition: An Unprecedented Challenge, published by the World Bank in October 2002.