Łukasz Rawdanowicz Tweet project involvement: expert The Enlargement of EMU: differences in relative inflation The Harrod-Balassy-Samuelson Effect in Poland and Other Central and Eastern European Countries Strategies for joining the European Economic and Monetary Union: A Comparative Analysis of Possible Scenarios The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime and the Real Sector. What Can We Learn from the Experience of Transition Economies? Core Inflation and Changes in Relative Prices in Poland Support for the Economic Reform in Kyrgyzstan Analysis of the Causes and Progess of Currency Crises in Asian, Latin American and CEE Countries: Conclusions for Poland and other Transition Countries case publications Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Panel Estimations of PPP and Relative Price Models for CEECs: Lessons for Real Exchange Rate Modelling The EMU Enlargement and the Choice of the Euro Conversion Rates: Theoretical and Empirical Issues Poland's Accession to EMU - Choosing the Exchange Rate Parity Exchange Rate Regimes and the Real Sector: a Sectoral Analysis of CEE Countries Poland's Accession to EMU - Choosing the Exchange Rate Parity Inflation and Monetary Policy in Russia: Transition Experience and Future Recommendations Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe