01 Oct 1999 - 01 Sep 2001
currency crises, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Europe, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Research

Analysis of the Causes and Progess of Currency Crises in Asian, Latin American and CEE Countries: Conclusions for Poland and other Transition Countries



The project, funded by the State Committee for Scientific Research, ran from October 1999 to September 2001 under the leadership of Marek Dąbrowski. Małgorzata Antczak, Rafał Antczak, Monika Błaszkiewicz, Małgorzata Jakubiak, Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Wojciech Paczyński, Marcin Sasin, Joanna Siwińska, Magdalena Tomczyńska, Katarzyna Piętka, Małgorzata Markiewicz, Artur Radziwiłł, Georgy Ganev, Mateusz Szczurek, Mateusz Walewski took part in the research.

The comparative analysis of currency crises in selected countries in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe concentrated on the following issues:

  • Micro and macroeconomic causes of the mechanism of the emergence and growth of crisis situations,
  • The crisis dynamic and its economic and social consequences,
  • The effectiveness of remedial measures in the pre-crisis phase,

The research group compiled a database comprising the main indicators of currency crises for twelve countries in the three regions in the study. Analysis of the theoretical models and results of the empirical comparative studies was carried out. Moreover, eleven monographs of currency crises of the following countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraina were prepared.

The research findings were presented at internal seminars and public conferences. Publications that emerged from the project appeared in the working paper series Study and Analysis (No. 208, 209, 211, 218, 219) and in the series CASE Reports (No. 39, 40, 41, 51). In March 2003 the book entitled Currency Crises in Emerging Markets has appeared. Marek Dąbrowski was the editor and Kluwer was the publisher of the publication.