Sierz Naurodski Expertise: public management local governance Belarus Current position: Executive Director, CASE Belarus Tweet project involvement: expert Economic Impact of EU-Armenia and EU-Georgia FTA (Free Trade Agreement) Moldova: Strengthening of local governance through improving transparency of local budgets Ukraine: Research of resource potential and production capacity of liquid bio-fuels Development of small and medium enterprises in Belarus through improvement of business climate and enforcement of business infrastructure Empowerment of local civil societies in Georgia through trainings for local authorities Prospects of EU-Ukraine economic relations Corporate Governance Practices and Prospects in Transition Countries: The Case of Russia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan ENCON - Enhancing CSOs Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy Making for Vulnerable Groups project involvement: manager Moldova: Strengthening of local governance through improving transparency of local budgets Ukraine: Analysis of National Privatization Program Ukraine: Research of resource potential and production capacity of liquid bio-fuels Belarus: Support for small businesses development and their readiness for market reforms Slovakia: Research of FDIs in motor vehicles sector case publications Belarus Business Baromater, February 2024 Are there equity market opportunities for easing access to finance for SMEs with Belarusian shareholders in the EU? Belarus Business Barometer, October 2023 How Credit Guarantee Schemes Could Ease Access to Funding for Companies with Belarusian Capital in the EU EU’s Unilateral Trade Liberalisation for Belarusian Services 30 Years of Economic Transformation in CEE: Key Five Lessons For Belarus The Role of Credit in the Development of Small and Medium-sized Entreprises in Belarus: Estimating the state of the Microfinance Sector The Potential of Small and Medium Entreprises in Belarus Pension reform in Belarus in the shadow of Social Europe: vulnerability issues of people aged 50+ and points for improvement Will Belarus fully benefit from the Eurasian Economic Union?