01 Sep 2006 - 01 Dec 2006
Advisory, civil society, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic growth, Georgia, Post-communist transition and development issues

Empowerment of local civil societies in Georgia through trainings for local authorities


The main objective of the project is to influence the development of civil societies in the Republic of Ajara by increasing the awareness about civil society among local authorities in Ajara and promoting economic growth in the region.
The main actitivities of the project are:
Workshops for local government officials and  leaders of local civil organizations from all areas of Ajara to be held during October - December 2006 in Batumi, the capital of Ajara. The four topics of the workshops are:

  1. Contemporary theory and practice of local public management
  2. Effective local budgeting
  3. Key problems facing towns and counties in Ajara and possible solutions
  4. Strategy creation for local governments

The project team is also in the process to completing a "Handbook on local public management" (which will be available online), which will be presented at a public conference in Tbilisi on December 14th, 2006. 


CASE Transcaucasus Georgia


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland