Prospects of EU-Ukraine economic relations
The project's main activity was the preparation of the report, "Prospects for EU-Ukraine Relations," which focuses on economic policy options that will be relevant to Ukraine in the next five to ten years. The report discusses economic integration, and takes into account both the Ukrainian and EU perspectives.
The report analyzes the implementation of selected economic articles from the EU-Ukraine action plan, signed in 2005. The report team also examines the progress made thus far in opening the Ukrainian market and as well as prospects for liberalizing the trade in goods and establishing a free-trade zone between Ukaine and the EU. The team considers a possible mid-term solution that would go beyond the standard EU FTA, such as an enhanced free trade agreement and wider access for Ukraine to the EU internal market.
When discussing the most challenging areas of integration - the free movement of labour and short-term capital - the team makes suggestions as to what form of integration would be optimal for both sides, taking into account mutual constraints as well as the effects of deeper cooperation. In this section, the team explores possible ways to lower barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital and labour.
The report garnered a great deal of interest among EU Parliamentarians and among EU parliamentarians and officials involved in policy decisions on Europe's 'Eastern neighborhood.' The authors presented the report to various audiences:
1 December - Kyiv (CASE Ukraine)
5 march - Berlin (DIW)
24 April - Strasbourg (European Parliament, The Baltic Intergroup)
8 May - Brussels (European Parliament, International Trade Commitee)
29 May - Warsaw (Polish Senate, Joint session of Commitee on EU Affairs and Foreign Relations Committee)
The report is the result of a joint research project undertaken by economists from CASE and its daughter organization - CASE Ukraine. It was funded by Pekao SA Bank and Central European Initiative Know-how Exchange Programme
CASE Ukraine
Pekao SA Bank
Central European Initative (CEI)