Anna Malinowska
Dr Malinowska s research interests focus on the multifaceted evolution of economic and legal institutions, property rights, and trust and their res...
Emilia Małys-Zaremba
Emilia Małys-Zaremba graduated from the University of Wrocław with a master's degree in law (specialization: Public International Law). Subsequentl...
Dr. McKenzie's areas of expertise include innovation, economic integration, foreign direct investment, monetary policy, and international trade. At...
Izabela Marcinkowska
Dr. Marcinkowska's areas of expertise include the labor market, social policy, and employment. As President of the Management Board, Dr. Marcinkows...
Katarzyna Mirecka
Katarzyna Mirecka was an Economist at CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research in Warsaw, Poland. Her fields of expertise include social poli...
Agnieszka Maj
Agnieszka Maj is an Economist at CASE. She holds an MA degree in International Economic Relations from Cracow University of Economics. Currently, s...
Malcolm Maguire
CASE Fellow Expertise: Youth labour market Vocational education and training Lifelong learning Employee development Employers' recruitment stra...
Susan Maguire
Expertise: Youth transitions NEET Policy formation and evaluation Post-16 education, employment and training Sue Maguire is Honorary Professor at t...
Roman Mogilevsky
CASE Fellow Expertise: macroeconomics fiscal and social policy foreign trade agricultural economics Background: Current Positions: Executive Direct...
Iga Magda
involved with CASE from 2003 to 2006 Expertise: Labour economics, health economics, social inequalities Background: Current positions: Assistant Pr...
Toman Omar Mahmoud
involved with CASE in 2009
Boris Majcen
involved with CASE from 1999 to 2001
Irina Makenbaeva
Member of the Board of Directors of CASE-Kyrgyzstan Expertise: Macroeconomics, labor economics Background: Previous positions: Associate Professor,...
Maryla Maliszewska
Expertise: Modeling of international trade flows, implications of regional integration and elimination of NTBs using CGE models, determinants of re...
Wojciech Maliszewski
involved with CASE from 1996 to 2004 Expertise: Monetary and fiscal policy, political economy of transformation Background: Current position: Asia...
Miriam Manchin
involved with CASE in 2009
Dina Mandour
involved with CASE in 2010
Domenico J. Marchetti
involved with CASE in 1995
Krzysztof Marczewski
involved with CASE in 1993 and from 2003 to 2006
Malgorzata Markiewicz
Expertise: Macroeconomics, fiscal and monetary policy Background: Current position: Project Director at Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Mace...
Ranko Markus
involved with CASE in 2007
Roman Matousek
involved with CASE from 2000 to 2006
Beata Matysiewicz
Present interests: Social and economic development, poverty reduction, world economy
Gerald A. McDermott
involved with CASE in 2001
Maciej Meder
involved with CASE in 2010
Inna Melnykovska
involved with CASE in 2008
Marek Menkiszak
involved with CASE in 2008
Tonis Mets
involved with CASE in 2010
Bryane Michael
Background:Current Positions:European Commission (DG-Enlargement) (2007-present),Visiting Fellow, Hong Kong University (2011 - present),Previous Po...
Alain Michel
involved with CASE from 2007 to 2009
Geerten M. M. Michielse
involved with CASE in 2010
Ryszard Mikonowicz
involved with CASE in 2000
Susanne Milcher
involved with CASE from 2005 to 2007
Pavol Minarik
Pavol Minarik is the Chair of the Department of Economics and Management at the Cevro Institute College and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty o...
Miriam Mir
involved with CASE in 2007
Julia Mironova
Economist, CASE Kyrgyzstan Expertise: development problems of transition economy. Previous positions: USAID Fiscal Reform Project. Econometrics Lec...
Kalman Mizsei
involved with CASE from 2004 to 2005
Jan Mladek
involved with CASE in 1996,1998 and from 2003 to 2006
Urlik Butzow Mogensen
involved with CASE in 2004
Krisztina Molnar
involved with CASE in 2002
Mateusz Morawiecki
involved with CASE in 2009
Jorgen Mortensen
Background:Current Positions:CASE Fellow,Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (1989-present).Previo...
Aleksandra K. Mrcela
involved with CASE in 1996
Alexandr Muravschi
Expertise: Agriculture Environment, Private Sector Development, Public Administration/Legal Infrastructure Background: Previous positions: Director...
Mykyta Mykhaylychenko
involved with CASE from 2003 to 2006Economist at CASE-Ukraine
Anna Myslinska
involved with CASE from 1997 to 2004 Expertise: Inflation, shadow economy Previous position: Teaching assistant at University of Łódź