Jorgen Mortensen


Current Positions:

  • CASE Fellow,
  • Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (1989-present).

Previous Positions:

  • Associate Senior Research Fellow, Independent consultant and external collaborator of the Centre for European Policy Studies,
  • Head of Division, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (1973-1988),    
  • Administrator, later Principal Administrator, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (1965-1973).    


  • MSc (cand.polit.) Economics and Statistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (1956-1963).


Danish (native), English (fluent), French (fluent), German (advanced), Dutch (basic)


Selected Publications:

  • "Conséquences des mutations mondiales sur les grandeurs macro-économiques" in "Economies ouvertes face aux mutations internationales", 2nd Congress of Belgian French-Speaking Economists, 5-6 November 1976.
  • "Profitability, relative factor prices and capital/labour substitution in the Community, the United States and Japan 1960-1983", European Economy No. 20, 1984.
  • "Economic policy in inflationary conditions", le opere e i giorni, Banca popolare di Bergamo, Spring 1984.
  • "Allocation of saving in a liberalised European capital market". Paper presented at the CEPS Conference on the New European Financial Marketplace, Brussels, November 1990, published in "The New European Financial Market Place", (Steinherr, A. ed.), Longman, 1992.
  • "Financing Retirement in Europe", CEPS Working Party Report No. 9, November 1993 (Rapporteur).
  • "Pensions in the European Community: now and in the future" in Pacolet, J. (red) "Social Protection and the European Economic and Monetary Union", Avebury1996.
  • “ICT Investment and the Intangible Economy” (with Clark Eustace), Mantos Consulting, June 1998 (for DG III).
  • Measurement of costs and benefits of accession to the European Union for selected CEECs (with Sandor Richter): Final Report on a PHARE/ACE Project, June 1999.
  • “Portability of pension rights in the European Union: an important condition for the completion of the single market”: Background paper for an “exploratory workshop” financed by the European Commission as an accompanying measure under the 5th Framework Programme (December 2002).
  • Determinants of health expenditure in Europe (An overview of the main scientific findings of the AHEAD project, Project No SP21-CT-2003-502641, with Svetla Tsolova), August 2008.
  • Living Standards in an Aeging, Greener Knowledge Economy: Toward a period of lean cows?, CEPS Working Document No. 342, December 2010 (INNODRIVE Working Paper No. 4: )
  • Monitoring capital, output, well-being and sustainability in the ‘new economy’, Contribution to a research project entitled Blue – Enterprise and Trade Statistics (BLUE-ETS) sponsored by the European Framework Programme. ( ). 

Online Profiles:



project involvement: expert

case publications