Kateryna Karunska
Kateryna Karunska holds a B.A. in economics and law from the University of Bordeaux (France) and currently pursues the M.A. in International Relati...
Przemysław Kowalski
Dr. Kowalski is an experienced international economist with outstanding academic and advisory achievements in a wide range of research and policy a...
Maria Krell
Maria received her MA in History from University of Constance, Germany. During her studies, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Cont...
Piotr Kozarzewski
Expertise: political economy of transition development cooperation private sector development local development international knowledge transfer co...
Marcin Kaczmarski
involved with CASE in 2008
Pawel Kaczorowski
involved with CASE in 1999
Amelia Kalukiewicz
involved with CASE in 2005
Tytus Kaminski
involved with CASE from 1998 to 2001
Bartlomiej Kaminski
involved with CASE in 2003
Magdalena Kaniewska
Expertise: Regional and Local Development Background: Previous positions: Member of the Evaluation Committee at the Department of Structural Funds...
Grazyna Kaplinska
involved with CASE in 2000
Judit Karsai
involved with CASE in 1996
Nikolai Kartsev
involved with CASE in 1996
Marina Kartseva
involved with CASE from 2007 to 2008
Hammad Kassal
involved with CASE in 2009
Stefan Kawalec
involved with CASE in 1994, 1999 and 2005
Piotr Kazmierkiewicz
Piotr Kazmierkiewicz is a political scientist, spe-cialising in issues of labour migration, migrant returns, and integration as well as migration g...
Rafkhat Khasanov
involved with CASE from 2000 to 2005
Viktoriya Khasson
involved with CASE in 2007
Hanaa Kheir-El-Din
involved with CASE in 2010
Konstantin Kholodilin
involved with CASE in 2007
Dana Kiku
involved with CASE from 1998 to 2001
Alexey Kisenkov
involved with CASE in 2006
Olga Kiuila
Background: Current Positions: Researcher, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland (Jul 1996-present). Previous Positions: Post Doc, Center for...
Jan Klacek
involved with CASE in 1994
Kazimierz Kloc
involved with CASE from 1993 to 2002
Stanislaw Kluza
involved with CASE in 2008 and 2010 For more information click here.
Patryk Koc
involved with CASE in 2010
Evzen Kocenda
involved with CASE from 1999 to 2001Graduated in 1985 from the Prague School of Economics with an Ing. degree in International Trade Management. M....
Jacek Kochanowicz
involved with CASE in 1999 and from 2003 to 2005
Ewa Kocot
involved with CASE from 2004 to 2008
Anna Kolesnichenko
involved with CASE from 2001 to 2009 Expertise: Government debt policy, financial sector development, coordination of monetary and fiscal policies...
Joanna Konieczna
involved with CASE in 2006 and 2008
Jerzy Konieczny
involved with CASE from 2002 to 2003
Wojciech Kononczuk
involved with CASE in 2008
Vicki Korchagin
involved with CASE in 2008
Umut Korkut
involved with CASE in 2008
Urszula Kosterna
involved with CASE in 1996 and 1998
Karina Kostrzewa
involved with CASE from 2004 to 2007
Lukasz Koterwa
involved with CASE in 2009
Liudmyla Kotusenko
involved with CASE from 2009 to 2010
Mariana Kotzeva
involved with CASE in 1999
Pavel Kovalyov
involved with CASE in 1999
Preslava Kovatchevska
involved with CASE in 2000
Elena Kozarzewska
Technical Assistance Program OfficerResponsibilities: Managing technical assistance projectsEducation:MA (1980) Slavonic Philology, St. Petersburg...
Adam Kozierkiewicz
involved with CASE from 2002 to 2004 and from 2007 to 2008
Tomasz Kozluk
involved with CASE in 2007
Olga Kravets
involved with CASE in 2010
Robert S. Kravtchuk
involved with CASE in 1998
Magdalena Krawczyk
involved with CASE from 2007 to 2009
Antje Kroeger
involved with CASE in 2011
Imke Kruse
involved with CASE in 2008
Maciej Krzak
Expertise: Economics of transition: central banking, evolution of banking systems, monetary theory and policy, inflation, exchange rate policy, fis...
Leszek Kucharski
involved with CASE in 1999 and from 2003 to 2006
Mariusz Kudelko
Background: Positions: Project expert/consultant for various projects, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences,...
Alina Kudina
Expertise: macroeconomics energy Background: Current positions: assistant professor, International Business at Warwick Business School, associate,...
Grzegorz Kula
Experience: Since 2008: Economist in the Public Finance Bureau, National Bank of Poland Since 2004: Assistant Professor, the Chair of Public Sector...
Piotr Kurowski
involved with CASE from 1999 to 2004
Monika Kusmierczyk
Project Manager from to May 2010 Interests: Development aid, poverty reduction, Latin American economy and culture
Yurij M. Kuz'myn
involved with CASE from 1998 to 2002 Background:Assistant to Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Management of National Economy, Ukrai...
Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski
involved with CASE in 1999 and from 2003 to 2006