  • Ph.D. Economics (2002) Warsaw University
  • M.A. Economics (1995) Warsaw University

Magdalena Kaniewska

Regional and Local Development

Previous positions:

Member of the Evaluation Committee at the Department of Structural Funds at the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship (2005-2008)
Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, Warsaw University

Participated in CASE project:
Ocena szacunków projektów 16-stu Regionalnych Programów Operacyjnych oraz Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej na lata 2007-2013 (Leader)
Poland: Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Small Projects Programme - Small Projects Facility 2003Selected Internatioanl publications:
Poland and Cohesion Policy
Telecommunications Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Poland
Cieślik, A., Kaniewska, M. "Telecommunications infrastructure and regional economic development: the case of Poland", forthcoming in Regional Studies
Kaniewska, M. (2003) "European and National Regional Policy - Look at the European and Polish experience through theoretical framework. An Attempt to assess EU regional policy reform concepts", in: Szczygielski, K. [Ed.] Policy Makers or Policy Takers? Visegrad Countries Joining the EU - selected studies, CASE, Warsaw
Cieślik, A., Jaskulska, M. (1999) "Badanie wpływu infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej na rozwój regionalny Polski", Gospodarka Narodowa, vol. 9
Cieślik, A., Jaskulska, M. (1999) "Rola infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej w rozwoju regionalnym Polski", Working Papers WNE UW, Warsaw


project involvement: expert

case publications