24 Jun 2019 | NEWS

showCASE no. 94 I The Warsaw Stock Exchange: As Goes the Stock Market, so Goes the Whole Economy

The Warsaw Stock Exchange in brief With a current head count of 50 foreign companies and total capitalisation (as of 7 June 2019) of PLN 1,128,595.70 million, the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) may now be one of the largest and most developed equity...

19 Jun 2019 | NEWS

Networking meeting of the project "Support for the refugees integration system in Poland"

A networking meeting for social workers involved in the implementation of Individual Integration Programs (IPIs) organized by the UNHCR Warsaw offi...

12 Jun 2019 | NEWS

Grzegorz Poniatowski discusses in Turkey reforms and challenges in closing tax gaps in Poland

Dr Grzegorz Poniatowski, Vice-president and Director of Fiscal Policy Studies at CASE is participating in Europe and Central Asia Regional Conferen...

27 May 2019 | NEWS

showCASE No. 93 | Barriers to (Digital) Services Trade

By: Anna Malinowska, CASE Economist Introduction what is the significance of the Single Market for services? The EU s Single Market, with its curre...

22 May 2019 | NEWS

Conference "Our Europe: 15 years of Poland in the European Union"

On May 16, a joint conference of CASE and the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN) was held in Warsaw. During the con...

16 May 2019 | NEWS

CASE Report: Our Europe: 15 Years of Poland in the European Union

We are pleased to announce that CASE has published a report "Our Europe: 15 years of Poland in the European Union", which summarizes the economic a...

13 May 2019 | NEWS

REPORT "Integration within the European Single Market: accounting, computer, and construction ser...

This report analyses the extent of integration within the European Single Market in three services sectors, (1) construction, (2) IT/computer servi...