Maciej Sobolewski
Dr Maciej Sobolewski obtained his PhD in economics from the University of Warsaw. His research interests include industrial organization, regulatory economics, access pricing and competition theory with particular focus on electronic markets, ICT technologies and innovation. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as a senior expert at Orange Labs, a France Telecom R&D Center. He has participated in numerous research projects regarding modeling of competition, diffusion of innovation, spectrum auctions and social networks. Maciej Sobolewski is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Economics at the University of Warsaw, as well ac CASE Expert. Between 2011 and 2014 he served as a Vice President of CASE, where he was responsible, inter alia, for developing new research areas.
Polish (native), English (fluent)
Selected publications:
Czajkowski M., M. Sobolewski (2013), “Switching Costs and Network Effects – How Much Do they Really Matter in Mobile Telecommunications?”. WNE Working Papers.
Poniatowski G., M. Sobolewski (2013), “What Affects the Main Engine of Growth in the European Economy? Industrial Interconnectedness and Differences in Performance of Business Services Across the EU25”. CASE Studies and Analysis.
Czajkowski M., M. Sobolewski. (2012), “Network effects and preference heterogeneity in the case of mobile telecommunications markets”, Telecommunications Policy, 36(3):197–211.
Cylwik A., K. Lada, K. Pietka, M. Sobolewski „Ekonomiczny potencjał gazu łupkowego w Polsce w latach 2012-2025. Analiza scenariuszowa” (Economic potential of shale gas in Poland in 2012-2025. Scenario analysis). CASE Reports 2012.
Czajkowski M., M. Sobolewski. (2011), “Measuring network effects in mobile telecommunications markets with stated-preference valuation methods”, International Journal of Management and Network Economics, 2(2):197-215.
Sobolewski M. (2010-), “Modelling churn in telecommunications with proportional hazard approach – the role of contract duration”.
Sobolewski M., J. Konieczna, W. Paczyński „Zatrudnienie nierejestrowane od strony pracodawców” (incentives for unofficial employment - employers perspective) w (in) Bednarski M., E. Kryńska, K. Pater, M. Walewski (red.) „Przyczyny pracy nierejestrowanej w Polsce” (Determinants of shadow economy In Poland). Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej 2008.
Sobolewski M. (2007-), „The impact of mobile number portability on the diffusion of mobile telephony cross the European Union”.
Cylwik A., Gorzynski M., Jakubowska K., Pander W., M. Sobolewski „Evaluation of Transition Facility Program for Internal Market in Poland: 2004/016-829.02.03 Competition Protection, 2005/017-488.02.04 building capacity of NRA in energy sector - URE 2005/017-488.02.05 building capacity of NRA in telecommunications sector - UKE” CASE, 2007.
Balcerowicz E, Sobolewski M. “Competitiveness of the Polish Manufacturing Sector. Does Government Policy Maters?”. CASE Report no. 62, CASE Warsaw 2005.
Sobolewski M., A. Sowa, M. Walewski „Praca z perspektywy wieku. Praca dla młodych” (Jobs from Age Perspective – Jobs for Young People), in: Boni M., S. Golinowska (eds.) „Raport o Rozwoju Społecznym – Polska 2003. W trosce o pracę” (Poland 2003 - Social Development Report. In Concern with Work), 2004 UNDP.
Golinowska S., A. Radziwill, M. Sobolewski, M. Walewski “Lokalny rynek pracy w Łomży i powiecie łomżyńskim – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju” (regional labour market in the city of Lomza and in Region (Powiat) Lomzynski – current state and future prospects), CASE Reports, Warsaw 2003.
Gajewski M., Sobolewski M., R. Woodward “Wykorzystywanie źródeł finansowania przez mikroprzedsiębiorstwa” (The Use of Various Sources of Finance by Microenterprises), in Balcerowicz E. (ed.) “Mikroprzedsiębiorstwa. Sytuacja ekonomiczna, finansowanie, właściciele” (Microenterprises. Economic Situation, Financing and Ownership). CASE, Warsaw 2002.