ENEPO: EU Eastern Neighbourhood - Economic Potential and Future Development
The consortium led by CASE won the Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP), financed under the European community Sixth Framework Program, Priority 7 "Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society". The project topic was EU Eastern Neighbourhood - Economic Potential and Future Development (ENEPO).
The main purpose of this project was to examine the potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy to upgrade the relations between the enlarged EU and CIS countries in the spheres of trade, investment, labour movement, technical cooperation, and to speed up economic and governance reforms in NIS, with special attention given to mutual interdependence between these areas.
ENEPO was composed of 14 workpackages carried out by 11 research institutions from the European Union, European Economic Area, EU candidate and CIS countries. Marek Dabrowski was the Project Coordinator with Maryla Maliszewska as the Deputy Project Coordinator and Sebastien Leclef as Project Administrator.
The main developments of the project are available on the ENEPO sub-page.