EU Eastern Neighbourhood: Economic Potential and Future Development - ENEPO

Specific Targeted Research Project co-ordinated by CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research, funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union.

The ENEPO project seeks to examine different aspects of the European Union's relations with its neighbours to the east (the so-called "eastern neighbourhood"). Primarily, it focuses on the economic features of an EU Eastern neighbourhood such as:

  • perspectives and conditions for closing the development gap between the CIS and the enlarged EU;
  • CIS-EU trade relations, including the energy sector;
  • capital flows and FDI; investment climate in recipient countries;
  • the potential role of labour migration and its social consequences; cooperation in the area of justice, security and freedom;
  • institutional harmonization of CIS economies with EU standards and the role of the EU in leveraging this;

The innovative approach of this proposal consists of deeper investigation of the interrelation between the mentioned areas of cooperation. In particular, it will analyze the links between the four basic market freedoms - i.e. free movement of goods, services, capital and people - and various incentives which can speed up economic and institutional development in CIS countries and their closer integration with the enlarged EU.

 Objectives and Hypotheses
Structure and Methodology of the Project
The consortium
List of Deliverables
ENEPO Extranet