Europe, health care, Labor market, social policy and social services, public health, Research

Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations - ANCIEN


CASE is taking part in a consortium led by CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels implementing a multiyear project Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations (ANCIEN). The project is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union under Health Cooperation Programme.

The project is designed to examine all possible facets of the long-term care (LTC) provisions in the EU member's states.

  • the effect of demography and lifestyle on the need for care;
  • developments in the supply of informal and formal care, and the choice between the two;
  • the potential role of technology in solving LTC problems;
  • efforts to improve the quality of LTC;
  • the use of LTC on the basis of developments in needs and supply;
  • the performance of different types of LTC systems

Deliverables contain databases, dynamic models calculating long-term care needs, reports on future needs and use of LTC in representative member states, and country-specific and general reports on LTC systems and their performance.


EC FP7 Health Cooperation Programme

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