Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, education, Labor market, social policy and social services, public administration, public finance management, public health, Research

The impact of the global financial crisis on public service delivery in economies of the former Soviet Union



The 12 month study assesses the impact of the global financial crisis on public service delivery in former Soviet Union economies.  It examines the immediate impact of the global financial crisis on two key sectors of public services (education and healthcare) focusing on six economies: Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. The project analyzes within the above mentioned public service sectors: the size and dynamics of public financing, the intra-sector structure and crisis management in sectors.  It measures the impact the financial crisis has had on the quality and reliability of public services and analyzes policy measures undertaken by governments to mitigate the crisis impact.  Policy conclusions and recommendations derived from the study will enable national policy-makers and international institutions supporting reforms of public finance management, to improve the targeting of limited public resources both between and within individual sectors.

The project will publish six country specific policy papers as well as a regional review.  A final project conference will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine  to discuss the project findings with the revelent stakeholders in each of the country CASE studies. 


Open Society Institute