01 Jan 1993 - 01 Jan 1994
Advisory, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic reforms, Kyrgyzstan, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Post-communist transition and development issues

Support to Economic Reform in FSU Countries [Kyrgyzstan]


This project, financed by the Stefan Batory Foundation and the Open Society Institute in 1993 and 1994, concerned the following countries of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The first mission of Marek Dabrowski was organized in cooperation with the Harvard Institute for International Development and took place in June 1993, followed by Julian Pankow and Kazimierz Kloc mission in August 1993. The next CASE mission was organized in June-July 1994 and involved Rafal Antczak, Marek Dabrowski, [Wladyslaw Jermakowicz], Kazimierz Kloc and Julian Pankow. The comprehensive report on the economy of Kyrgyzstan in Russian and English languages, including policy recommendations, and followed by a series of publications came out as result of this visit.