01 Oct 1997 - 01 Mar 1999
Advisory, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic reforms, Financial sector, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Ukraine

Support for Economic Transition in Ukraine


The project carried out by CASE in years 1997-1999 was co-financed by the USAID missions in Warsaw and in Kiev. Marcin Łuczynski was the project leader and Marek Dabrowski was the chief consultant. The expert team also included Mirosław Gronicki, Włodzimierz Pankow, Ewa Balcerowicz, Katarzyna Pietka, representatives of the National Bank of Poland and the State Securities Commission. The permanent CASE representative in Ukraine was Aleksey Krivtsov, later replaced by Gennadiy Greblov.

The aim of this project was to transfer Poland's experience in the implementation of economic reforms to Ukraine. Polish experts advised the Ukrainian government on monetary and fiscal policies, and the National Bank of Ukraine on the organization of financial markets. Within the project a medium-term macroeconomic model for Ukraine was further developed by a team led by Mirosław Gronicki. The model was used by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and the National Bank of Ukraine.