Robert Brudzynski

involved in CASE projects from 1995 to 2003:

CASE Projects

  • Economist for the Macroeconomic Reforms Programme run by HIID/CASE in Kiev (1999)
  • EE: Service Contract for a Monitoring System for the Implementation of Projects, Programmes and Operations of external Cooperation (LOT 1) - TACIS/CARDS countries
  • Kyrgyzstan: Institution Building Partnership Programme (IBPP)
  • Kyrgyzstan: Poverty Reduction Support Credit
  • Ukraine: Macroeconomic Policy Program

CASE Publications (in Russian, available on Polish website)

  • Kyrgyz Economic Outlook - Quarterly Publication. (2000-2002)
  • The Choice of  Exchange Rate Regime for Kyrgyzstan: Official dollarisation, Studies&Analyses No. 216, (2000)
  • The Public Debt of Ukraine and Debt Servicing, Studies & Analyses No. 191 (1999)
  • Economic Reforms in Kyrgyzstan in 1997-1998, Studies & Analyses No. 139 (1998)
  • Public Debt of Kyrgyzstan, Studies & Analyses No. 135 (1998)

Other Publications
• M.Dabrowski, R.Mogilevsky, R.Brudzynski (1999) The Kyrgyz Republic and the Global Financial Crisis, Final Report by the UNDP Consulting Mission, Bishkek.
• R. Brudzynski et. al. (1996), Investment Risks in Branches of Polish Economy, IBnGR, Warsaw, Poland.

project involvement: expert

case publications