Report on Russia's WTO accession and its implications for nanotechnologies
The world market products developed using nanotechnology, is growing one of the fastest. According to various estimates, the average annual growth rate in the coming years will amount to 20 to 40%, which would increase its capacity up to 1.4-1.6 trillion by 2013-2015. Currently, Russia's presence in this market is insignificant, while the share of the country in international nanotechnology patents is less than 0.2%. The Development Programme of the nanotechnology industry of the Russian Federation by 2015 sets the task of increasing country’s share in the world market of nanoindustrial products up to 3% and increase export of nano products for 2011-2015 up to six times. The report examines several possible scenarios of the impact of WTO accession on the Russia’s innovation sectors. Results of the study commissioned by RUSNANO suggest that the country's accession to the WTO as a whole will have a positive impact on the industry of nanotechnology. At the same time, some sectors of the innovation economy face a number of difficulties.