Boris Najman
CASE Fellow Expertise: labour market development economics economics of transition Background: Current Positions: Senior Fellow at CASE - Center fo...
Otar Nadaria
Background: Current position: Vice Governor, National Bank of Georgia Previous Positions: He has taught International Economics at the David Aghmas...
Sierz Naurodski
Expertise: public management local governance Belarus Current position: Executive Director, CASE Belarus
Remigiusz Nawrat
involved with CASE in 2001
Wioletta Nawrot
Expertise: Finance, capital markets, European integration, corporate governance Background: Previous Positions: Researcher / Analyst, PZU Departmen...
Veaceslav Negruta
Expertise: economic and monetary policy, banking sector development, country debt management Background: Previous CASE projects: Cost Analysis and...
Expertise: Applied Microeconomics, Tax Policy, lecturing at a different level Background: Current positions: Adjunct, The Lazarski School of Commer...
Expertise: Applied Microeconomics, Tax Policy, lecturing at a different level Background: Current positions: Adjunct, The Lazarski School of Commer...
Alexander Neumann
Background: Current positions: Full researcher, Institut f r Sozialforschung, Saarbr cken, Germany (2009-present) Previous positions: Full time res...
Laszlo Neumann
involved with CASE in 1996
Milan Nikolic
involved with CASE in 1995
Oksana Novoseletska
Deputy Executive Director and Economist, CASE - Ukraine Expertise: Enterprise restructuring and bankruptcy procedures, commercial banking regulatio...