James Cabot
Background: Current Positions: Corporate Development Manager, Southorth International Group (January 2014 present), Previous Positions: Associate,...
Alexander Chubrik
CASE Fellow Expertise: macroeconomics private sector development Belarus economic growth poverty and social inclusion labor market macroeconomic mo...
Andrzej Cylwik
Expertise: sector analysis of industry competition and state aid policy Background: Current Positions: President of Neo-Doradcy, Warsaw. Previous P...
Ales Capek
involved with CASE in 1995
Robin Carruthers
Background:Current Positions:Short term consultant, CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research (2010-present),Individual consultant, World Bank...
Marta Castello-Branco
Expertise: international macroeconomics economics in transition Background: Previous Positions: Senior Policy Expert, OGResearch, Prague (Feb 2012...
Maria Cernobrovciuc
involved with CASE in 2006
David Chantladze
involved with CASE in 1997
Maka Chitanava
involved with CASE in 2011
Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak
involved with CASE in 2000
Jozef Chmiel
involved with CASE from 1997 to 2001
Xavier Chojnicki
involved with CASE from 2008 to 2009
Abdur Chowdhury
involved with CASE in 2007
Piotr Cizkowicz
involved with CASE in 2011
Alain de Crombrugghe
involved with CASE in 1995
Romana Emilia Cucuruzan
involved with CASE in 2010
Jacek Cukrowski
involved with CASE from 1996 to 2005