Small and Mid-size Business in Ukraine: analysis and road map
CASE launched a study on SME's situation in Ukraine. The publication was issued within the project ‘Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-size Bus...
Corporate debt securities market in Poland: state of art, problems, and prospects for development
The development of the Polish corporate bonds market resulted from changes on the supply side. When the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Polish entr...
CASE launches a project "Measuring consumer inflation in real time"
Center for Social and Economic research launched a project 'Measuring consumer inflation in real time'. Within the framework of the project CASE de...
A quarter century of economic reforms in Ukraine: too late, too slow, too little
The aim of this paper is to describe the main developments in the Ukrainian economy since its independence in 1991, focusing on the evolution of o...
CASE kicks off the FIRSTRUN project dedicated to fiscal policy in the EU
On March 1 in Helsinki ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy launched the FIRSTRUN project - a European Union funded multinational r...
CASE welcomes professor Oleh Havrylyshyn as our new Fellow
We are delighted to announce that professor Oleh Havrylyshyn, an Economic Advisor to the Presidential Administration of Ukraine and a former Deput...