25 Oct 2021 | NEWS

Watch the videos from the CASE 30th Anniversary Conference

Watch the videos from the CASE 30th Anniversary Conference Looking Back to Look Forward: The Future of the EU Economy which was held on September 23-24, 2021 in Warsaw, Poland. The Conference featured two keynote speeches delivered by notable econ...

19 Oct 2021 | NEWS

The Polish Deal: The economic consequences of the proposed new tax system

At a public conference of the three-party governing coalition Law Justice, Poland of Solidarity and Jarosław Gowin s Alliance on May 15 2021, a pro...

05 Oct 2021 | NEWS

CASE tax workshop: Taxes and the European Green Deal

We are pleased to inform that the 4th edition of a two-day scientific workshop on economic analysis of the Polish tax system will take place on Oc...

01 Oct 2021 | NEWS

The political economy of Kazakhstan. A case of good economics, bad politics?

Can autocracies and their associated institutions successfully implement economic policies that promote growth and investment? Can good economics s...

30 Sep 2021 | NEWS

CASE 30th Anniversary Conference

The CASE 30th Anniversary Conference Looking Back to Look Forward: The Future of the EU Economy was held in Warsaw and online on September 23-24. F...

28 Sep 2021 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity The recently published European Commission annual report on the monitoring of the EU agri-food trade shows rela...

27 Sep 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 121: Increasing Importance of Think Tanks: Not If But Why

Editorial In this special issue, the editors of showCASE Katarzyna Sidło and Kateryna Karunska take a closer look at the role of think-tanks in the...