Management Board's Address
In 2008 CASE entered its eighteenth year of activity. As a respected international economics think tank CASE is going to consolidate its position within the European research market and explore new frontiers in development assistance activities. Meeting the first goal requires developing and strengthening our research network by engaging with more high-quality researchers from within and outside Europe to work with CASE both on a full and part-time basis. To make our research output available to a broader professional public as well as have a growing impact on the European policy debate we must upgrade our ways and means of external communications, series publications, seminars and conferences as well as other forms of public outreach.
In the development assistance arena, which constitutes the second major pillar of CASE activity, we want to expand beyond traditional areas of our involvement, i.e. CIS and the Balkans, and compete for technical assistance projects in both the Middle East and Africa, two regions which are continuing to bring greater interest from international aid donors.
In meeting these strategic objectives we want to make better use of both our internal CASE network of sister and associated organizations as well as CASE’s membership in external networks, partnerships and alliances, which have been built over the last several years.
CASE entered this new period of activity with a new Managing Director Mireille Hazenbosch (June 1st) as well as a new Management Board (July 1st). The new Board succeeded the previous one whose term expired on June 30, 2008. Ewa Balcerowicz who was the Vice-President from the moment of CASE’s founding and then its President from 2004 was elected the Chairwoman of CASE’s Supervisory Board. We appreciate Ewa’s leading role in building CASE’s potential and running our organization for so many years. We also would like to thank James Cabot for his work as CASE’s Vice-President in charge of development assistance from 2006 to 2008 and his great contribution to developing our international capacities in this area. We are looking forward to both Ewa and James’ continuing assistance and advice.
Marek Dąbrowski – CASE President
Małgorzata Jakubiak – CASE Vice-President