12 Nov 2014 | NEWS

Is Europe Overbanked?

This paper is after a difficult question: has banking grown too much in Europe? The difficultly of the question lies in the words “too much”, which require a normative answer. The authors took a stance on how much is “too much”, based on the need...

07 Nov 2014 | NEWS

Economic and Social Development of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

A new publication containing a selection of research results from the EU FP7 project Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region (MEDPRO), h...

27 Oct 2014 | NEWS

First meeting within CASE Graduate Workshops in Economics Series

Financial Geography and Law and Economics were the topics of a first meeting held within CASE PhD Workshops in Economics Series that took place on...

24 Oct 2014 | NEWS

2012 Update Report to the Study to quantify and analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States

This report provides estimates of the VAT Gap for 26 EU Member States for 2012, as well as revised estimates for the period 2009-2011. It is a fol...

21 Oct 2014 | NEWS

The global financial crisis: changes in competition in the banking sector in Europe, the role of...

The global financial crisis indicated importance of regulatory and competition policies in the banking sector, which were underappreciated before...

07 Oct 2014 | NEWS

"Global spillovers have entered a new phase": the Polish launch of 2014 IMF Spillover Report

Global spillovers have entered a new phase. With crisis-related spillovers and risks fading, changing growth patterns are the main source of spillo...

30 Sep 2014 | NEWS

"The economic freedom is the freedom which really matters the most"

The economic situation in the USA has been quite unusual ever since the beginning of the financial crisis. June 2008 predictions for the GDP growt...