27 Jan 2020 | NEWS

showCASE No. 101 I IT, E-Commerce, and Digital Policies. The Case of Poland

In the recent years, Poland has benefitted from economic openness to see its digital sectors, like the gaming industry, and digitally enabled sectors, such as e‑commerce, develop and thrive. To sustain this development, it is crucial that the digi...

23 Jan 2020 | NEWS

164th mBank-CASE seminar: Is a bubble inflating on Poland’s housing market?

mBank and CASE Center for Social and Economic Research cordially invite you to: the 164th mBank CASE Seminar: Is a bubble inflating on Poland s hou...

17 Dec 2019 | NEWS

Report from the Dialogue Workshop “The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)....

The Dialogue Workshop The Role of China in in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Beyond Economic Interests was held on December 03, 2019 at t...

25 Nov 2019 | NEWS

INVITATION to a workshop: The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Beyond Ec...

We are pleased to invite all interested experts to a workshop "The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Beyond Economic Intere...

28 Oct 2019 | NEWS

showCASE No. 98 I Strategic Public Procurement for the Long-Term Growth of the European Union

Although the European Union (EU) public procurement framework was originally designed to establish a level playing field for all EU companies as we...

18 Oct 2019 | NEWS

Report from the mBank-CASE seminar The EU in 2019: State of play, and prospects

The 162nd mBank seminar enabled the discussion on the state of play of the European Union and its prospects. The topic was introduced by Dr. Ewa Ba...

10 Oct 2019 | NEWS

161st mBank-CASE seminar: Trade wars and the rules of competition in global trade

The subject of the 161st mBank-CASE seminar was contemporary trade wars and their implications for the European Union and Poland. The trade war wit...