01 Oct 2004 - 01 Dec 2004
Europe, fiscal policy, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy, Research

Fiscal Surveillance in EMU: New Issues and Challenges


A paper on 'Fiscal Challanges Facing the New Member States' authored by Marek Dabrowski, Malgorzata Antczak and Michal Gorzelak was presented by Marek Dabrowski at the workshop entitled Fiscal Surveillance in EMU: New Issues and Challenges. The workshop addressing key dilemmas and challanges for EU fiscal policy-makers was organized by the European Commission Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs on November 12, 2004 in Brussels.

Other workshop proceedings may be found at the European Commission website: http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/events/event12022_en.htm

Georgraphical range: 25 countries of EU and Romania, Bulgaria      

Sponsor: European Commission