10 Sep 2020 | NEWS

Poland’s VAT Gap may widen to above 14.5% in 2020

As a result of the recession driven by COVID-19, the 2020 VAT gap in Poland may widen by about 4.9 percentage points from the previous year, reaching ca. 14.5% of the VAT liability. After a period of gradual narrowing, the shortfall may increase b...

25 Aug 2020 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity On August 14th, The Polish Statistical Office published first flash estimates of the seasonally adjusted GDP fi...

22 Jun 2020 | NEWS

showCASE 106: The Adverse Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Inequality Levels in the EU and What Can...

Editorial In this issue of showCASE, our Senior Economist Mehmet Burak Turgute valuates the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on income inequality lev...

21 May 2020 | NEWS

The 165th mBank-CASE seminar: Is the economy doomed to a long recession?

mBank and CASE Center for Social and Economic Research cordially invite you to: the 165th mBank CASE Seminar: Is the economy doomed to a long reces...

24 Apr 2020 | NEWS

CASE tax workshop POSTPONED

We regret to inform you that due to coronavirus pandemic CASE tax workshop The Structure and effectiveness of the Polish tax system in Warsaw, that...

21 Apr 2020 | NEWS

showCASE 104 I CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, Productivity Following the historic drop of oil prices in March, the OPEC and its allies finalised an agreement on what turned o...

09 Apr 2020 | NEWS

Estonian corporate tax: Lessons for Poland. mBank-CASE Seminar Proceeding No. 163

Estonia has Europe s most transparent tax system (while Poland is second-to-last, in 35th place), and is also known for its pioneering approach to...