showCASE No. 115 I Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Difficult Situation Made Worse
Editorial The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly affected societies and economies all over the world, and the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) has been no exception. Considering that even before the outbreak of the pandemic female...
The rights of migrants and refugees in the labour market in Poland. The second workshop of the MI...
The second workshop of the MIGRIGHT project, devoted to the rights of migrants and refugees in the labour market in Poland, was held on 18 19 March...
NEW website for Belarusian migrants
On the website you can find basic information on main legal pathways to the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia as well a...
E-BOOK "Gender gap in the Mediterranean during the Covid-19 pandemic"
The goal of the e-book "Gender gap in the Mediterranean during the Covid-19 pandemic" is to analyze the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women i...
We are recruiting participants for new project
CASE and partners Ocalenie Foundation and Foundation for Somalia are launching a new project addressed to foreign nationals residing in Poland. Wi...
CASE Highlights
Trade, Innovation, and Productivity On February 11, European Commission published its winter interim European economic forecasts. It shows that the...
NEW REPORT: In search of new opportunities. Circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovak...
We are pleased to present the report on circular migration flows between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. It is the product of...