“Widespread access to fast, cheap and reliable internet would help to solve labour market related problems in the MENA region,” said dr. Katarzyna W. Sidło during a worksho...
Dr. Katarzyna Sidło, CASE Political Economist, attended a workshop Employment creation through industrial policy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) organized by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut f r Entwicklungspolitik...
showCASE no. 85 I How to Organize Economic Immigration? Lessons From Poland
Since 2015, managing labor immigration has been high on the European agenda. As the European Union (EU) is facing long-term economic and demographi...
Agnieszka Kulesa, CASE Economist, attended an expert workshop on adjudication of asylum claims in...
Agnieszka Kulesa, CASE Economist, attended an expert workshop on adjudication of asylum claims in Europe organised in Warsaw on 20 September 2018 w...
Project SHIFT Meeting in Warsaw
CASE hosted the 3rd Meeting of the project SHIFT (Strengthen Higher-education through Innovative Financial Tools) co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Pro...
Thinking about pension systems for the 21st century: a few remarks based on the Polish example
By Prof. Marek Góra The end of 2018 will mark the 20th anniversary of the introduction of Poland s current pension system. It has been subjected to...
EU Policies for Refugee Protection and Immigration: Why We Need Productive Engagement with Our Ne...
Recent debates about asylum and immigration policies in the EU have showcased many ways in which key policymakers are in denial not only of the com...
What’s next for healthcare in Poland?
The 156th mBank-CASE seminar was devoted to Poland s healthcare system. After almost a decade, we decided to return to this important subject, beca...