Advisory, Europe, Labor market, social policy and social services, Macedonia, Post-communist transition and development issues, UNDP

Comprehensive Policy Support Program to Development Agenda of Macedonia (Blue Ribbon Report for Macedonia)


Marek Dabrowski and Malgorzata Markiewicz were members of the Blue Ribbon Commission for Macedonia and co-authors the report prepared by the Commission entitled: Blue Ribbon Report Macedonia. The Blue Ribbon Commission was formed in the spring of 2005 by the UNDP in response to a request by the Government of Macedonia. The UNDP has established Blue Ribbon Commissions in several other transition countries under the leadership of Kalman Miszei, then Assistant Administrator and Regional Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS. The purpose of these Commissions is to produce "Blue Ribbon Reports" focusing on key development concerns, analysing these thoroughly, considering alternative policy solutions and then putting together a set of policy proposals that are given to the Government under consideration.

The Blue Ribbon Report for Macedonia was released on 26 October, 2006, see: press release.
