CASE wins two new framework contracts
CASE has recently been successful in obtaining two new multiple framework contracts (FWC) in partnership with ECORYS - Research & Consulting from the Netherlands
Commissioned by the European Parliament, the first framework contract focuses on budget and budgetary control in the different EU policy areas, focusing on EU external policies. The FWC consortium, also complemented by the Maastricht School of Governance and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), will be requested to deliver studies, reports and/or briefings to the Parliamentary Committees on the Instrument for Pre-Accession, the Instrument for Stability, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (among which are the European Neighbourhood Policy and Partnership Policy) and the EU’s development assistance and humanitarian aid programmes
The second FWC, titled Supply of Economic Studies in the Area of the Structural Performance of the European Economies, Structural Reforms and the Economic Evaluation of Community Policies, was designed by the European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs. Under the contract institutional members will be requested to complete studies that deal with the following research areas:
- determinants and impact of structural reforms on economic performance
- the functioning of European labour and product markets
- the effectiveness and efficiency of the utilisation of infrastructure and natural resources
- the economic evaluation of Community policies (these studies will be mainly used for the preparation of ECFIN publications)
- acquiring a broader understanding of issues relating to the efficient functioning of the European economies
CASE participates in the FWC as part of a large and high-profile consortium that includes, amongst others, the Central Planing Bureau (CPB - NL), Research Institute for the Finnish Economy (ETLA - FIN) and IDEA consult (BE). The contract will run for 2 years with possibility of extension.