15 Nov 2021 - 31 May 2023

Assessing the territorial impact of policies and strategies within the EU Member States

The objectives of the project were clearly identified in the Detailed Description of the Object of Procurement (SOPZ) by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy of the Republic of Poland.

They are:

  1. organization and process of dialogue with project partners and stakeholders,
  2. development of the Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) methodology together with a pilot project in the German-Polish interface.

The project aims to prepare a TIA method that has the potential to become a universal European method for territorial impact assessment. The CASE and Ecorys Poland teams aim to achieve this task through:

- an effective stakeholder dialogue process allowing the preparation of a method tailored to their needs

- an analysis of the application experience of existing TIA methods and policy impact assessment methods that have not been applied in territorial impact analysis before,

The activities will focus on the designated implementation area, i.e. the German-Polish interface.  The project will equip local, regional and national authorities with information and knowledge on which factors to take into account when designing policies, in order to take into account not only interregional but also cross-border impacts.


Client: Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej RP

Leader: Ecorys Polska

Partner: CASE - Centrum Analiz Społeczno-Ekonomicznych