Przemysław Woźniak

Członek Rady Fundacji CASE w latach 2005-2013
CASE Fellow w latach 2009-2011


  • Makroekonomia
  • Inflacja
  • Polityka monetarna
  • Ekonomia Europy Południowo-Wschodniej


  • Doktor ekonomii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska, 2000 - 2002
  • Magister ekonomii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska, 1992 - 1997

Dodatkowe szkolenia:

  • Wizytujący pracownik naukowy w Narodowym Banku Bułgarii, 2009
  • Dekaban-Liddell, Starszy wizytujący stypendysta, Katedra ekonomii, Uniwersytet w Glasgow, 2007
  • Kurs zaawansowanego programowania ekonometrycznego w Matlab, Uniwersytet w Lecce, Włochy, 2005 
  • Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, 1998 - 1999 (program wymiany USAID)
  • Polityka makroekonomiczna - wybrane zagadnienia i dylematy, 1998 (Uniwersytet Bilkent oraz Instytut Rozwoju Ekonomicznego Banku Światowego)
  • Uniwersytet Arizony, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1995-1996 (program wymiany Open Society Institute)

    Doświadczenie zawodowe:

    • od 2007 Pracownik badawczy/autor, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London Joan Hoey 
    • 2007 - 2009 Recenzent, South East European Journal of Economics and Business
    • 2002 - 2008 Długoterminowy ekspert w dziedzinie ekonomii i statystyki w różnych projektach pomocy technicznej w Czarnogórze, Beśni i Hercegowiny oraz w Serbii.


    Polski - ojczysty
    Angielski - biegły
    Niemiecki - biegły
    Serbski - biegły


      Wybrane uczestnictwo w projektach:

      • Ex post evaluation of Macro Financial Assistance operations in Georgia (DG ECFIN, Ecorys/CASE
      • Public Financial Management Reforms in the CEE/CIS Regions: Supporting UNICEF to Achieve Improvements in Outcomes for Children and Families, UNICEF/CASE
      • Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro area in the post-Lehman Brothers' World, Open Society Institute/CASE
      • EMU and Prices in Poland. The analysis of impact of accession to the Euro Area on the relative price level' commissioned by the National Bank of Poland as part of the National Report on Adoption of the Euro (National Bank of Poland)
      • Price convergence in the enlarged internal market (DG ECFIN; DIW/CASE)


      Wybrane publikacje:

      • EMU and Prices in Poland. The analysis of impact of accession to the Euro Area on the relative price level -a chapter in the Report on the Full Participation of the Republic of Poland in the Third Stage of the Economic and Monetary Union, National Bank of Poland, 2009
      • Price Convergence in the Enlarged Internal Market (co-author with Kirsten Lommatzsch, Christian Dreger et al), Eastern European Economics, vol. 46, no. 5, September-October 2008, pp. 59-70, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2008
      • Price Convergence and Inflation in the New Member States (co-author with Kirsten Lommatzsch), The EUROFRAME - EFN Spring 2006 Report,  Euroframe, Brussels, 2006
      • Do Candidate Countries Fit the Optimal Currency Criteria? (co-author with Monika Blaszkiewicz), in 'The Eastern Enlargement of the Eurozone' (editors: Marek Dabrowski and  Jacek Rostowski), chapter 4, Springer Economics, 2005
      • On the cost of re-establishing Yugoslavia. First estimates of economic impact on Montenegro of establishing a customs union with Serbia (co-author with D. Gros, D. Kernohan and V. Najman), Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2004 )
      • Some benefits of reducing inflation in transition economies (co-author), BOFIT Discussion Paper no 12/2002, Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition, Bank of Finland, 2002)
      • Various Measures of Underlying Inflation in Poland 95-98, Working Paper No. 25, Central European University & Center for Social and Economic Research, Budapest-Warsaw, July 1999
      • Relative Prices and Inflation in Poland, 1989-1997. The Special Role of Administered Price Increases, Policy Research Working Paper No. 1879, The World Bank, Washington DC, February  1998

      Zaangażowanie projektu: ekspert