National Innovation Policies: What Countries Do Best and How They Can Improve
The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) is a global network of 34 independent think tanks from 25 countries from all over the world. The Alliance exists to collectively amplify each member’s voice and enhance their impact on trade, globalization, and innovation policy issues while bringing new scholarship into the world on these subjects. This volume provides GTIPA members’ perspectives on what their nations are doing best when it comes to national innovation policy, and where there is the greatest opportunity for improvement. The goal of this report is to provide a profile of member countries’ national innovation policies, and a comparative analysis of where the greatest strengths and opportunities for improvement lie.
As for the chapter on Poland, prepared by our expert Karolina Zubel assesses:
- Addressing the Finance Gap in SME Innovativeness;
- Coordinating the Innovation Policy;
- Helping Companies in Transition Toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Switching to a Digital Business Model
as “Comparative Strengths”, while
- Long-Term Planning and Strategy Creation;
- Improving Public Procurement;
- Providing Access to High- Speed Internet
have been classified as “Comparative Weaknesses”.
In conclusion, these 24 reports of countries’ three best innovation policies and three greatest opportunities for improvement represent a comprehensive, deep, and insightful catalog of best innovation policies and practices, revealing how countries—developed and developing alike—are trying to deal with similar opportunities and challenges. There is something to be learned from each country profile, and hopefully this volume will represent a practical tool for innovation policymakers to reference some of the most cutting-edge practices being applied on the world stage today.