Integration within the European Single Market: accounting, computer and construction services in four Member State
Integration within the European Single Market: accounting, computer and construction services in four Member State
The aim of the project is to assess, on the example of Poland, Hungary, Germany and Sweden, the state of trade integration within the EU single market in three service sectors: (1) construction services; (2) IT/computer services and (3) accounting and auditing services.
The assessment will address existing barriers as well as the possible effects of further liberalisation from Poland's perspective. The proposed study, including both quantitative and qualitative analysis based on data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on trade in services and barriers to trade in services, will assess the benefits and freedoms to provide services within the European Union (EU) single market, will identify remaining barriers, including those that are particularly acute for Polish operators and assess the possibilities and effects of further liberalisation of trade in services at EU level.
The project aims to provide information, arguments, data and calculations that can be used to develop Polish proposes in connection with the planned discussion on the Single Market at the December European Council and the future debate on the agenda of the next European Commission. The project will be carried out by a CASE team of experienced experts in the field of international trade, including the field of trade in services and the OECD methodology and EU Single Market policy, with both scientific and economic policy experience.
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland