CREATE2Evaluate will develop innovative tools devoted to policy makers at various layers of governance (from local to national and EU) to monitor and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of Adult Education (AE) policies and interventions.
Evaluation and Valorisation are crucial steps in creating viable strategies with long-term benefits. Yet many AE policies on the local and regional levels are not systematically evaluated. This is partly due to policy makers lacking the appropriate tools. CREATE2Evaluate addresses this gap by designing a set of useful tools and templates to help AE policy makers and agents active in the AE policy processes evaluate existing strategies, draw actionable conclusions and design better strategies in the future.
Objectives of the project are:
- The main objective of CREATE 2 EVALUATE is to advance the formulation of effective AE policies and programmes through the development of reliable tools for the evaluation of AE policies at various layers of governance, with a focus on the local/regional level.
- the specific objective is to empower and equip policy and decision-makers with tools that allow to effectively monitor and evaluate the impact of AE and feed into the policy loops.
Expected project results:
- Designing guiding documents which will facilitate uptake and increase impact at a systemic level (piloted and refined tools to create easy-to-use templates).
- Stimulate the debate around the role of evaluation in strategies and the policy cycle to improve the image of evaluation
- Development of the virtual community established under CREATE project (partners aim to enable players in the AE field to exchange experiences and cooperate more stringently to achieve more sustainable and efficient results informed by the sector’s real needs).
Project Leader
Niedersächischer Bund für freie Erwachsenenbildung e.V. - Germany
CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research (Poland)
The National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Maynooth University) (Ireland)
IHF asbl (Belgium)
Internet Web Solutions (IWS) (Spain)
ISJ Neamt
The Municipality of Pescara (Spain)
Funded by: Strategic Partnerships for adult education