Ainura Uzagalieva
International Macroeconomics, Economics of Innovation and Applied Econometrics
Current Positions:
Junior Researcher, Economics Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
Previous Positions:
- Research Assistant for Lubomir Lizal: Applied Econometrics Analysis, CERGE-EI, 2001-2005
- Teaching Assistant for Petr Zemcik, Econometrics III (third course in the Econometrics Core Sequence), CERGE-EI, Summer 2005
- Teaching Assistant for Daniel Munich: Microeconomics DLP, CERGE-EI, Fall 2004
- Economist, CASE-Kyrgyzstan: Open Society Institute project on "Kyrgyz Economic Outlook". Developing monetary policy chapter (in English and Russian), 2000-2001
- Economist, Macroeconomic Analysis and Projections. KPMG Consulting LLC (USAID Fiscal Reform Project), Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 1999-2001
- Foreign Exchange Department, International Reserves Management (hedging strategies on credit, sovereign and market risks), National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (NBKR), Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 1993-1999