corporate governance, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Institutional reforms, Kyrgyzstan, ownership structure, privatization, CASE Reports, CASE Network Studies and Analyses, transition economies

The System of Corporate Governance in Kyrgyzstan


The paper is devoted to formation of the modern corporate governance system in Kyrgyz Republic. The main factors that influence this process have been studied, e.g., legal background and practice of privatization; corporate and antimonopoly law; financial markets; stakeholders activities, etc. The authors conclude that there were significant positive changes in the sphere of corporate governance in Kyrgyzstan. First of all it should be marked that in the country that had no previous experience of private property and market, institutions of corporate governance were formed, there was a process of  learning of both owners and managers how to govern the company using the available set of laws and regulations. But this process is far from being complete, since the real corporate relations are still very dysfunctional. In the authors’ opinion, improvement of corporate governance in the country requires a complex approach: upgrading of legislation must be accompanied by active measures aimed at improving the situation in all spheres that influence the quality of corporate governance. The main task in this sphere is creation of favorable legal and institutional climate which would lead to improvement of common norms of corporate governance and to attraction of external investments.